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Greeting Cards are on their way...!

Victoria Pollard

Sometimes it's lovely to just make a picture - no request, no personalisation, just designing and making a new 'something'. Some go on to be a sample for a personalised picture, some just 'are'...   And I am now looking at some of those being available as greeting cards - blank for your own message, as they say!  

Here is "Our House" which still looks great, full of texture, colour and life when printed - and definitely soon to become a greeting card!!!

Happy New Bunting!!

Victoria Pollard

So happy that a christmas delivery to family in Dubai has eventually arrived!!!!  

Bunting with free-motion names, on hand painted canvas, for Ivana and Leon, it was my first time free-motioning 'calligraphy'-style and I am delighted with the results - and hope they are too!!!


And fun was had by all...!!!

Victoria Pollard

Judging by the number of sugar-fuelled children, armed with cap guns, punch-ball balloons and bag upon bag of treats, the St Josephs Christmas Fayre was great fun! (Fortunately I didn't need to witness the inevitable post-sweetie lull...)  I think the parents, grandparents and friends all enjoyed themselves too - there were a lot of Christmas stocking-fillers crammed into their bags!  

It was certainly a lovely start to my craft stall career - loads of happy chatty people browsing and buying, and great, friendly stall-holders too... What more could I have asked for?! :o)

blueberryblossom goes live....!

Victoria Pollard

How exciting, this is my first post on my new lovely website...  It's going to be a weekend of firsts as tomorrow it's my first christmas fayre at St. Joseph's Primary on Oliphant Crescent in Busby!! 

Entry is £2 for adults & £1 for children (over 2years) with a Family Ticket available for £5 for anyone that's nearby and fancies a visit... There will be a host of local businesses including craft, gifts, jewellery, cosmetics and ladies fashion, alongside lots of kiddie friendly stalls, with tea & coffee & home baking available & not to mention Xmas Hamper raffles... 

Wish me luck!!! x