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Christmas Fairs...

Victoria Pollard


It's nearly THAT time of year again, so here are the Christmas markets and fairs Blueberryblossom will be attending - Come by, say hello and do a bit of Christmas shopping!


Sunday 16th November, 11:30am-4:30pm - Hilton Grosvenor, Grosvenor Terrace, Glasgow

Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd November, 11am-6pm - Art on the Exchange, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow

Saturday 29th November, 1pm-4pm - St Josephs Primary School, Clarkston, Glasgow

Sunday 30th November, 11:30am - 4:30pm - Cottiers, Hyndland Street, Glasgow

Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th November, 11am-6pm - Art on the Exchange, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow

Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st November, 11am-6pm - Art on the Exchange, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow